Sunday, December 11, 2011


Floor: surface(n) The flat surface that you walk on when you are inside the building.
>> a tile floor.

Floor: level of building (n) a level of building.
>>In US,the first floor of a building is usually at groung level.

Floor:bottom (n) the bottom surface of the sea, a forest,a valey.
>>Submarines were exploring the ocean floor for signs fo wreck.

Floor:open space(n) a public space for having formal discussions
>> The proposition was discussed on the Senate floor.

Floor:surprise(v) to surprise or shock(someone).
>>She was completely floored when she heard that he leaving the country.

Floor:go fast(v) to drive (a car) as fast as it will go.
>>His  buddy started the car and floored it.

This is the six different meanings of Floor above
It might help you to learn English language.

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